Friday, 23 January 2015

Daily habits to teach our kids.

Hi All,

Most of you by now know I have a cute and busy 4 year old boy. In the last year I have learnt that it is hard work being a parent. Not just physically but mentally as well. There are days when I constantly wonder if I’m doing a good job as a mom. And then God jumps to the rescue, telling me to let go of the worries and leave that to him, to simply be a mom that follows her heart (with a bit of guidance from the brain). That made me so much more relaxed, and at the same time I saw a change in my son. He too, became relaxed.

Another thing I learnt is that my son is a mirror image of me and my husband. What we do, he does exactly the same. So the moral of the story: Be the person you want your child to be. I have complied some daily habits that I believe every child should learn and habits you as a parent should reflect onto your child.

     1. Wake up call with a smile.
When waking up your children, do it with a smile and joy. That will teach your children to start a day with a happy and positive mind. Ask them how they have slept and tell them how much you missed them. It gives children the assurance that you are always there in the mornings. Tell your kids that God’s angels kept them safe and that a beautiful day awaits.

      2. Greet everyone.
Let your child give big hugs to everyone living in the house. This will teach them respect and politeness.

      3.  Allow to help.
Yes, mornings can be crazy, but let your kids help with whatever they can. For example, Aiden loves serving cereal to everyone and yes, he will mess, but it’s a special moment and a memory that will last a lifetime. It will teach them to be helpful and to be responsible.

      4. Say a proper goodbye.
It hurts sometimes to watch as parents just drop their kids off at school and go. No affection and no affirmation that the parent will be back. For a parent it might be a small thing, but for kids it is a big thing. By doing a proper goodbye you teach your children affection and give them the security that they are loved.. Show them the love they deserve.

       5. Back from school
This is something I am still mastering with Aiden. I feel it’s important for kids to learn to be tidy and organized. Teach them that as soon as they come home to unpack their bag and put dirty clothes in the laundry.

      6. Say please and thank you.
Manners are just so important, so while the kids are in their moldable stage, teach them all the important stuff. And repetition is the key, there is so much going on in their lives it’s difficult for them to remember everything at once. It’s so sad to see so many kids not being taught the basic manners. Be sure to say please and thank you for every small thing your kid does for you, that way they will learn from you.

      7. Be thankful
Teaching kids to be thankful seems like it is diminishing more and more. Ungrateful children are all over and our own little sponges absorb everything. Therefore it is so important that every day we need to show them how to be thankful and for what. One of the ways I teach Aiden to be thankful is when we are in the shop. I’ll make a point that he is allowed to only pick one item, whether it’s a sweetie or cold drink. Another way is to talk to them in the car and point out all the things you see and tell your child to be thankful for all the wonderful things that God created for us to enjoy.
      8. Grace
This one could be part of being thankful but I feel it needs to stand on its own. Teach your kids to say grace from an early age. Don’t feel frustrated if he doesn’t say it perfectly, just close your eyes and listen with your heart to what your child is grateful for. For me it is the best part of the meal, listening to his pure heart speaking out. Cherish these special moments.

     9. Have your supper by the table.
If you don’t have one, do it by a coffee table. Make a point of switching off all the distractions like TV, cell phones etc. Allow your child to be part of meal prep or even  to prep the table. It’s a tradition he or she will carry over to their kids. Talk about your day, the ups and even the downs. Let it be quality family time.

     10. It’s tidy time
I’m sure we can all remember how frustrating it was when, after all the fun with the toys time comes to clean up. Teach your kids to take responsibility for what they do and that everyone has a role in the family.

     11. Respect
This is a big thing I was taught when I was small, and my goal is to pass this onto my son. Show respect to your kids and they will quickly learn to return it.

This is just a few things that I feel are important. But if I have missed something be sure to email me or comment below. Never forget that kids are our mirror image, We need to be what we want our kids to be.

Thank you for taking the time to read my post

Thursday, 22 January 2015

Pray hardest when it is hardest to pray

Hi All,

Well, this is my first post for this year. My apologies for not writing for so long. The holidays has surely kept me busy. Plus it was awesome to spend so much time with my two men at the beach. Okay enough of the holiday talk.

I have decided to start my first post for the year with this topic so that we can prepare ourselves for whatever lies ahead in this year.
Life is never a smooth ride, whether you are rich or poor. It will always have its bumps and curves. God has never promised a smooth ride, just that it will be worth it.

The past two years have been a real roller coaster for me and my family. This post would be way to long if I had to mention everything. But all I can say is that I would not have been able to make it through all these tough times if it wasn't for praying and faith in God. He hasn't provided me with a pot of gold, but he has given me peace at heart. Every time I felt overwhelmed or helpless, I prayed to God for peace and to give me strength to get through everything. 

“Don’t worry about anything, instead pray about everything” Phillipians 4:6

Here are few Bible verses for when you feel down or feel like there is no hope.

    1.       “ He had made everything beautiful in its time”  Ecclesiastes 3:11
This is a beautiful promise from God. Have faith in Him and his promise and good things will come in due time.

    2.       “ Be strong and courageous, do not be afraid. Do not be discouraged for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go” Joshua 1:9
Whenever you feel lonely or scared. STOP. And remember that you are NEVER alone. God is always by your side guiding you.

    3.       “Cast your cares on the Lord and he will sustain you” Psalm 55:22A
God is telling us to give him our cares and worries. That doesn’t mean to lift up your hands and hope for the best. It means to free yourself from worrying over the things you don’t have control of. By handing your worries over to God you allow your heart to be free and then you can follow the path he has set out for you.

     4.       “ With God all things are possible” Matthew 19:26
This is one of my favorite verses. If you keep God by your side, anything is possible. Let him into your life and watch how he will strengthen you each day.

I truly hope this has inspired you and your family to pray more. Through prayer you will let God into your life and your home. Never cease to pray, in good or bad times. Don’t feel bound to only pray in your bedroom, pray whenever you feel the need to.  Pray anywhere and anytime, God listens 24/7. Treat it as a conversation with God.

I would like to end of this post with a prayer:

                Thank you for giving me the opportunity to spread your Word to others.  Please give strength and guidance to those who are lost and helpless. May they find peace through You. I pray that more and more people will pray and that they will cast their worries in your hands. Thank you Lord, for your abundant blessings.

Thank you for reading my post, keep on having faith in the Lord.